dijous, 29 d’abril del 2010

my weeekdn

In any modules in this weekend is on my home durmin are the ordinates and the slept despre and television menllare month.

dijous, 15 d’abril del 2010

The Swan

The swan makes you happy,

Swan makes you love.

With those colors I would hug him,

with those eyes look like me.

The swan is an animal to take care,

do not have to abuse,

if you do not have to love.


El Cisne

El cisne te hace feliz,
el cisne te hace amar.

Con esos colores me gustaría abrazarlo,
con esos ojos me gustaría mirarlo.

El cisne es un animal para cuidarlo,
no se tiene que maltratar,
si no se tiene que amar.



May cloud the sun eternally

May be dried in an instant the sea;

May break the earth's axis

As a weak crystal.

Everything will happen! Death may

Cover me with funeral crepe;

But in me will never fade

The flame of your love.



Podrá nublarse el sol eternamente;

Podrá secarse en un instante el mar;

Podrá romperse el eje de la tierra

Como un débil cristal.

¡todo sucederá! Podrá la muerte

Cubrirme con su fúnebre crespón;

Pero jamás en mí podrá apagarse

La llama de tu amor.

----Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer----

dijous, 18 de març del 2010

The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef (Great Barrier Reef in English) is the largest coral reef in the world. comprising more than 2,900 reefs individualsi 900 islands in a strip of more than 3,000 kilometers over an area of approximately 348,000 square kilometers. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia. The Great Barrier Reef supports a wide diversity of life, and was selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981. Among the reefs there are over 1,500 species of fish and shellfish. CNN has been classified as one of the seven wonders of the world, and the Queensland National Trust has considered a state icon of Queensland. The Great Wall is the foundation of a great diversity of life, including many vulnerable or endangered species, some of which may be endemic to the reef system. Thirty species of whales, dolphins and porpoises have been inventoried in the Great Barrier Reef, including minke whales, dolphins Sousa, and the Humpback Whale. There are also large populations of dugong live. Six species of sea turtle come to the reef to breed -; the Green turtle, Leatherback Turtle, Carey turtle, loggerhead turtle, flatback turtle, the turtle and the Gulf. The green sea turtles in the Great Barrier Reef have two clear genetic populations, one in the north of the reef and the other south. [32] Fifteen species of vegetation seabed attracts dugongs and turtles, [30] and provides a habitat for fish. [33] The most common species are Halophila and Halodule. The Great Barrier Reef stretches from Torres Strait (between Bramble Cay, the northernmost island, and the south coast of Papua New Guinea) north of the unnamed passage that is between Lady Elliot Island (the its southernmost island) and Fraser Island to the south. Lady Elliot Island is located 1915 km southeast of Bramble Cay. [11] Australia is moving northwards at a speed of 7 cm per year since the Cenozoic. [12] Eastern Australia experienced a period of tectonic elevation, making the move laderiva mainland Queensland 400 km inland. At this time, Queensland experienced volcanic eruptions with significant flows of basalt. [13] Some of these outcrops of granite have become major islands. [14] After the formation of the Coral Sea lagoon, the coral reefs began to grow inside her, until about 25 million years. The North Queensland was still temperate waters, but south of the tropics was too cold for the development of coral.

Australia: The Great Barrier Reef :

The Great Barrier Reef

northeastern Australia:

The Great Barrier Reef (Great Barrier Reef in English) is the largest coral reef in the world. comprising more than 2,900 reefs individualsi 900 islands in a strip of more than 3,000 kilometers over an area of approximately 348,000 square kilometers. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia. The Great Barrier Reef supports a wide diversity of life, and was selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981. Among the reefs there are over 1,500 species of fish and shellfish. CNN has been classified as one of the seven wonders of the world, and the Queensland National Trust has considered a state icon of Queensland. The Great Wall is the foundation of a great diversity of life, including many vulnerable or endangered species, some of which may be endemic to the reef system. Thirty species of whales, dolphins and porpoises have been inventoried in the Great Barrier Reef, including minke whales, dolphins Sousa, and the Humpback Whale. There are also large populations of dugong live. Six species of sea turtle come to the reef to breed -; the Green turtle, Leatherback Turtle, Carey turtle, loggerhead turtle, flatback turtle, the turtle and the Gulf. The green sea turtles in the Great Barrier Reef have two clear genetic populations, one in the north of the reef and the other south. [32] Fifteen species of vegetation seabed attracts dugongs and turtles, [30] and provides a habitat for fish. [33] The most common species are Halophila and Halodule. The Great Barrier Reef stretches from Torres Strait (between Bramble Cay, the northernmost island, and the south coast of Papua New Guinea) north of the unnamed passage that is between Lady Elliot Island (the its southernmost island) and Fraser Island to the south. Lady Elliot Island is located 1915 km southeast of Bramble Cay. [11] Australia is moving northwards at a speed of 7 cm per year since the Cenozoic. [12] Eastern Australia experienced a period of tectonic elevation, making the move laderiva mainland Queensland 400 km inland. At this time, Queensland experienced volcanic eruptions with significant flows of basalt. [13] Some of these outcrops of granite have become major islands. [14] After the formation of the Coral Sea lagoon, the coral reefs began to grow inside her, until about 25 million years. The North Queensland was still temperate waters, but south of the tropics was too cold for the development of coral.

The Great Borrier Reef

dijous, 11 de març del 2010

Sharks (superorder Selachimorpha) are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body. The earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago, before the time of the dinosaurs.[1]

Since that time, sharks have diversified into 440 species, ranging in size from the small dwarf lanternshark, Etmopterus perryi, a deep sea species of only 17 centimetres (7 in) in length, to the whale shark, Rhincodon typus, the largest fish, which reaches approximately 12 metres (39 ft) and which feeds only on plankton, squid, and small fish through filter feeding. Sharks are found in all seas and are common down to depths of 2,000 metres (6,600 ft). They generally do not live in freshwater, with a few exceptions such as the bull shark and the river shark which can live both in seawater and freshwater.[2] They respire with the use of five to seven gill slits. Sharks have a covering of dermal denticles that protect their skin from damage and parasites and improve fluid dynamics so the shark can move faster. They have several sets of replaceable teeth.[3]Well-known species such as the great white and the hammerhead are apex predators at the top of the underwater food chain. Their extraordinary skills as predators fascinate and frighten humans, even as their survival is under serious threat from fishing and other human activities.Shark skeletons are very different from those of bony fish and terrestrial vertebrates. Sharks and other cartilaginous fish (skates and rays) have skeletons made from cartilage and connective tissue. Cartilage is flexible and durable, yet has about half the density of bone. This reduces the skeleton’s weight, saving energy.

Like other fish, sharks extract oxygen from seawater as it passes over their gills. Unlike other fish, shark gill slits are not covered, but lie in a row behind the head. A modified slit called a spiracle lies just behind the eye; the spiracle assists water intake during respiration and plays a major role in bottom dwelling sharks. Spiracles are reduced or missing in active pelagic sharks.[11] While the shark is moving, water passes through the mouth and over the gills in a process known as "ram ventilation". While at rest, most sharks pump water over their gills to ensure a constant supply of oxygenated water. A small number of species have lost the ability to pump water through their gills and must swim without rest. These species are obligate ram ventilators and would presumably asphyxiate if unable to move. Obligate ram ventilation is also true of some pelagic bony fish species.


Sharks practice internal fertilization. The posterior part of a male shark's pelvic fins are modified into a pair of intromittent organs called claspers, analogous to a mammalian penis, of which one is used to deliver sperm into the female.[33]

Mating has rarely been observed in sharks. The smaller catsharks often mate with the male curling around the female. In less flexible species the two sharks swim parallel to each other while the male inserts a clasper into the female's oviduct. Females in many of the larger species have bite marks that appear to be a result of a male grasping them to maintain position during mating. The bite marks may also come from courtship behavior: the male may bite the female to show his interest. In some species, females have evolved thicker skin to withstand these bites.[33]

Unlike most bony fishes, sharks are K-selected reproducers, meaning that they produce a small number of well-developed young as opposed to a large number of poorly-developed young. Fecundity in sharks ranges from 2 to over 100 young per reproductive cycle. Sharks display three ways to bear their young, varying by species, oviparity, viviparity and ovoviviparity.